


A low point is a period of frustration and disappointment, but by pulling yourself together and overcoming difficulties, people become stronger and more confident.


However, they may become silent and calm. The reasons for this silence are as follows:

1. 精力消耗:克服低谷需要人们付出很大的精力,因为要努力克服挑战,尤其是在面对复杂和困难的问题时,人们往往会感到疲劳。

1. Energy consumption: Overcoming a low point requires a lot of effort from people, as they need to work hard to overcome challenges, especially when facing complex and difficult problems, which often leads to fatigue.


Therefore, after enduring a low point, one may feel a lack of energy and need to rest and recover.

2. 态度转变:低谷让人们意识到生活中的不确定性和变化,使他们更加珍惜现有的生活和人际关系。

2. Attitude change: The low point makes people aware of the uncertainty and changes in life, making them more cherish their existing lives and interpersonal relationships.


At this point, people may focus more on their inner feelings rather than overly expressing themselves.

3. 经验教训:低谷可以使人们发生心理变化,并带来经验教训。

3. Lessons learned: Low valleys can cause psychological changes in people and provide lessons learned.


After overcoming the low point, people will pay more attention to self reflection and learning, in order to avoid falling into the low point again.


After enduring a downturn, people may become silent and reticent because they need to regain energy, reflect on lessons learned, pay attention to their inner feelings, and may also indicate that they value and value life and interpersonal relationships more


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