Suffering is not just due to weakness, but an inevitable part of life.
阅读更多 »苦难,只是因为弱小吗?苦难不只是因为弱小,而是人生不可避免的一部分。
Suffering is not just due to weakness, but an inevitable part of life.
阅读更多 »苦难,只是因为弱小吗?苦难守恒定律是指,在我们的生活中,不论我们遇到多少挫折和困难。
The law of conservation of suffering refers to how many setbacks and difficulties we encounter in our lives.
阅读更多 »原来这就是“苦难守恒定律”,读懂改变一生稻盛和夫是日本有名的企业家和创业者,他曾说过:“经得起磨难考验的人,都学会了‘忍耐’。”
Kazuo Inamori is a famous entrepreneur and entrepreneur in Japan. He once said, “Those who can withstand trials and tribulations have learned to ‘endure’
阅读更多 »稻盛和夫:经得起磨难考验的人,都学会了“忍耐”人生的旅程是绵长而多姿的。
The journey of life is long and varied.
阅读更多 »人生没有那么难,但总要经历些磨难人生的苦难处处存在,无论是感情上的挫折、事业上的失败、亲情中的失落,还是生活中的疾病、贫困等等。
The hardships of life exist everywhere, whether it is emotional setbacks, career failures, loss in family relationships, or diseases, poverty, and so on in life.
阅读更多 »人生所有的苦难,都是来渡你的当人陷入负债困境时,确实会感到很累。在这种情况下,以下建议可能会对负债人有所帮助:
When people get into debt difficulties, they do feel very tired. In this situation, the following suggestions may be helpful to the debtor:
阅读更多 »负债人真的累了,请放下债务,给你5点建议负债累累时,赚钱100万并不是一件容易的事。但是,可以通过一些方法来加快赚钱的速度:
It is not easy to earn one million yuan when you are heavily in debt. However, there are some ways to accelerate the speed of making money:
阅读更多 »负债累累如何快速赚钱100万?当你负债累累时,学习曾国藩的“人生六戒”可以帮助你走出困境:
When you are heavily in debt, learning Zeng Guofan’s “Six Commandments of Life” can help you overcome difficulties:
阅读更多 »当你负债累累时,要学懂曾国藩的“人生六戒”在负债累累的情况下,我们应该采取积极的态度去面对问题,并未财运自来而努力。以下是需要做好的三点:
In situations of heavy debt, we should adopt a positive attitude to face problems and work hard without financial luck. Here are three things to do well:
阅读更多 »当你负债累累时,做好这三点,财运自来在负债累累的情况下,许多人感到绝望和无助,不知道如何才能走出困境。
In situations of heavy debt, many people feel hopeless and helpless, unsure of how to get out of trouble.
阅读更多 »负债累累时,学会“四个稳”,很容易咸鱼翻身