


When you are heavily in debt, learning Zeng Guofan’s “Six Commandments of Life” can help you overcome difficulties:


Firstly, we must guard against arrogance. When we are heavily in debt, we may give up self-control and become arrogant and proud. Zeng Guofan warned us not to be overly confident and to maintain a humble and cautious attitude.


Secondly, we should quit laziness. Debt needs to be paid off through work income, so we cannot relax our efforts and reduce working hours. Zeng Guofan told us to have a diligent work habit, work hard, earn money and repay debts.


Thirdly, one should abstain from lust. When our finances are in crisis, we may relax our self-control and consume excessively. Zeng Guofan warned us to curb desires, control expenses, avoid borrowing more debt to consume, and create a simple lifestyle.


Fourthly, we should avoid suspicion. When we are heavily in debt, we often feel anxious and worried. Zeng Guofan suggested that we maintain an optimistic and confident attitude towards ourselves and the future, and not overly worry and be troubled by emotions.


Fifth, one should guard against anger. Zeng Guofan stated that frequent anger and tantrums can easily disrupt interpersonal relationships and ultimately affect financial conditions. Therefore, we should control our emotions and maintain a calm and composed attitude.


Sixth, we must abstain from slander. When we are in a difficult situation, we may complain and blame others for the difficulties they have caused. Such ideas are not conducive to solving problems. Zeng Guofan reminds us to discard negative thoughts and strive to establish a positive attitude towards life, in order to find opportunities to deal with difficulties.


The above are the six commandments of life advocated by Zeng Guofan. When we encounter financial crises, borrowing these commandments can help us overcome difficulties.


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