


When people fall into a slump, they often feel down, lacking confidence and motivation. At this time, the influence of people around them on emotions is very important. Here are several types of people to stay away from.

1. 抱怨者:抱怨者总是把消极的情绪传递给别人,让你感受到消极的情绪,从而让你的情绪更加低落。

1. Complainant: Complainants always convey negative emotions to others, making you feel negative emotions and making your emotions even lower.

2. 那些总是看到你过去过失的人:他们会不停地引用你过去的错误而不是关注你的成长。这会扼杀你在未来成功的机会和动力。

2. Those who always see your past mistakes: they will constantly cite your past mistakes instead of focusing on your growth. This will stifle your chances and motivation for success in the future.

3. 没有激情和目标的人:这些人没有激情和目标,不懂得积极进取,他们可能会打击你的动力和信心。

3. People without passion and goals: These people lack passion and goals, do not know how to be proactive, and may undermine your motivation and confidence.

4. 贫瘠的人:这些人光想这些“不能”或者“过不去”,而不是给你启迪和鼓励。他们会让你沉迷于问题之中,而不是思考解决方法。

4. Poor people: These people only think about these “cannot” or “cannot pass”, rather than giving you inspiration and encouragement. They will make you addicted to problems instead of thinking about solutions.


When you fall into a low valley, their negative thinking and words will make your mood even lower. Therefore, try to stay away from these types of people and choose those who can make you positive and upward.


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