I believe many people have heard of the concept that ability determines a person’s living standards and development potential.
阅读更多 »决定你财富多少的,不是能力而是格局相信很多人都听说过一个观念:能力决定了一个人的生活水平和发展潜力。
I believe many people have heard of the concept that ability determines a person’s living standards and development potential.
阅读更多 »决定你财富多少的,不是能力而是格局有一种人,喜欢独来独往,闷声发大财。
There is a type of person who likes to come and go alone and make a lot of money in silence.
阅读更多 »有一种人,喜欢独来独往,闷声发大财“大器晚成”这一词汇是形容在某些方面天赋不够出类拔萃的人,需要经过长时间的积累和历练才能达到成功,无论在哪个领域都存在这种现象。
The term ‘late bloomer’ refers to a person who lacks exceptional talent in certain areas and requires long-term accumulation and experience to achieve success. This phenomenon exists in all fields.
阅读更多 »所谓大器晚成,无非这3条路曾国藩曾在给族叔曾文清的家书中写道:“大器晚成,不必忧虑。”
Zeng Guofan once wrote in his family letter to his uncle Zeng Wenqing, “Great things come of age late, don’t worry
阅读更多 »曾国藩家书:大器晚成,不必忧虑安全光栅属于光电式安全保护装置,它的工作原理是利用红外光束进行监测,实现对机器设备进行安全保护。
阅读更多 »安全光栅工作原理 红外线安全保护器的构成大器晚成,是人生道路上一种常见的成功之路。
A late bloomer is a common path to success on the path of life.
阅读更多 »大器晚成,是大部分人的成才之路人到中年,或许正处于生命的低谷,工作既不像刚入职场时充满自信,也不像退休前颐养天年的欣慰。
In middle age, people may be at a low point in their lives, where work is neither as confident as when they first entered the workforce, nor as satisfying as taking care of themselves before retirement.
阅读更多 »人到中年,最坏不过是大器晚成,每个曾经平凡的你,都有成事的无限可能“大器晚成”一词源自于《庄子》中的“大匠无常师”之讽刺,指那些虽然年龄较大,但依旧能够在晚年取得突破性成就的人。
The term ‘great tools come into being late’ originates from the satire of ‘great craftsmen and impermanent masters’ in Zhuangzi, referring to those who, despite their age, are still able to achieve breakthrough achievements in their later years.
阅读更多 »大器晚成,是人生顶级的加冕大器晚成的男人,一般都有以下这些特点:
Men who achieve great success late generally have the following characteristics:
1. 坚定的决心和毅力。
1. Firm determination and perseverance.
阅读更多 »大器晚成的男人,都有这些特点大器晚成的人,往往都具备这4个特征。 People who are late b… 阅读更多 »大器晚成的人,往往都具备这4个特征