


The term ‘great tools come into being late’ originates from the satire of ‘great craftsmen and impermanent masters’ in Zhuangzi, referring to those who, despite their age, are still able to achieve breakthrough achievements in their later years.


After experiencing the ups and downs of life, these people have gained more experience and wisdom, and achieved life with the improvement of mentality and skills. For example, Frederick Douglass, Spencer Tracy and others are all representative figures with late achievements.


People who achieve great success late in life usually move forward steadily step by step, constantly accumulating experience and learning from lessons. After a long period of sedimentation, they eventually lead the way in their later years, either become famous or become experts and authorities in the industry, becoming the pinnacle of life.


A late bloomer is the crowning of the top in life, because their success is not based on young enthusiasm and talent, but on countless attempts and failures, accumulating sufficient and solid experience, and finally achieving brilliant achievements in the future.


This ultimate achievement, which has been honed and precipitated through a long stream of water, emits a touching light that makes people smile.


A late bloomer represents another type of success in life, which does not require talent or youth. It only requires firm confidence, continuous progress, and unwavering efforts to achieve the ultimate coronation.


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