All wealth in life has a fixed amount.
This is a common sentence in traditional culture, which implies a certain correlation between people’s fate and wealth.
阅读更多 »命里的财,都有定数命里的财,都有定数。
All wealth in life has a fixed amount.
This is a common sentence in traditional culture, which implies a certain correlation between people’s fate and wealth.
阅读更多 »命里的财,都有定数在这个消费社会里,我们被各种诱惑包围着,购物成为了很多人的习惯和生活方式。
In this consumer society, we are surrounded by various temptations, and shopping has become a habit and lifestyle for many people.
阅读更多 »懂得攒钱的人,才是真正的不简单犹太人一直被视为经济智慧的代表,在经济和商业领域中有着很高的声誉。
Jews have always been regarded as representatives of economic wisdom and have a high reputation in the economic and commercial fields.
According to the traditional wisdom and modern research of Jews, we can see that the richer a person is, the more they will have the following four characteristics:
阅读更多 »犹太人思维:越是有钱的人,越会有这4个特征“卖水”在犹太人文化和历史中并不是一个具体的行业或者职业,而是代表着一种商业思维和习惯的传统。
Selling water “is not a specific industry or profession in Jewish culture and history, but represents a tradition of business thinking and habits.
阅读更多 »犹太人“卖水”思维:钱得这么赚红外线感应冲床保护晶体管输出型安全光幕是一种用于工业生产中的安全装置。在机器冲压过程中,机器会以很高的速度、力度对金属或塑料等制品进行加工。为了保证工人的安全,需要采用一些设备来保护不发生人身、财产等意外伤害。
阅读更多 »红外线感应冲床保护晶体管输出型安全光幕天若弃你,钱必救你:有多少存款,就有什么样的命。
If heaven abandons you, money will save you: how much savings you have, what kind of life you have.
阅读更多 »天若弃你,钱必救你:有多少存款,就有什么样的命一个人越来越有钱,可能是各种因素和征兆的综合体现。
A person’s increasing wealth may be a combination of various factors and symptoms.
Here are some common signs:
阅读更多 »一个人越来越有钱的征兆是否命里有钱一直是一个颇有争议的话题。
Whether one has money in one’s life has always been a controversial topic.
阅读更多 »命里有没有钱,真的是注定的?很多人都常说“命里有时终需有,命里无时莫强求”,认为命运注定了一个人的财富水平,无论怎么努力也无法改变。
Many people often say, ‘Sometimes there is a need in life, and there is no need to demand it at all times.’ They believe that fate determines a person’s level of wealth, and no matter how hard they try, they cannot change it.
阅读更多 »命里的钱,都是有源头的每个人都希望自己能赚大钱,但赚大钱并不是一件简单的事情。
Everyone hopes to make big money, but making big money is not an easy task.
阅读更多 »每一个能赚大钱的人,都不简单