


The truly blessed are not those who have the most wealth, status, and fans, but those who feel happy, satisfied, and happy in the depths of their hearts.


The following is my personal understanding of truly blessed people:

1. 内外兼修的人——既重内在修养,也注重外部环境的调整。

A person who cultivates both internally and externally – emphasizes both internal cultivation and adjustment of the external environment.


They have a solid moral and mass foundation, while also paying attention to the management of their physical fitness and appearance.

2. 快乐平和的人——相比于抱怨、烦躁和焦虑,他们更懂得感恩和珍惜。

Happy and peaceful people – They know more about gratitude and treasure than complaining, fidgeting, and anxiety.


In all times of adversity, they are able to remain optimistic and positive, and face life’s challenges with a peaceful attitude.

3. 具有爱心和善良的人——懂得关心、扶助和了解周围的人,更重视感受和与人的交流。

3. People with love and kindness – know how to care, support, and understand the people around them, and pay more attention to feeling and communicating with others.


In addition, while coordinating and caring for others, they can also protect their emotions and freedom of life choices.

4. 有自我认知和定位的人——了解自己的优缺点,能够保持平衡,同时也懂得与周围环境相处的方式。

4. People with self awareness and positioning – understand their strengths and weaknesses, be able to maintain balance, and also understand the way to get along with their surroundings.


They can discover their shortcomings and correct them, thereby achieving self comprehensive development.


A truly blessed person is not simply using money status and value standards to measure a person’s value and happiness, but rather paying more attention to the value and significance of life, perceiving, comprehending, and achieving it in life, and ultimately achieving their own life goals.


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