


The phrase ‘a small person speaks lightly’ reminds us to be cautious and cautious in our words and actions.


When we are at a certain disadvantage, we are easily swayed by the words or actions of others, which can affect our own mentality and actions.


At this point, we can consider ‘being alone’, which means adjusting our mindset well when we are alone, making ourselves more determined and confident.


Firstly, being alone can help us think and reflect, allowing us to have a clearer understanding of our own situation and way of life.


When alone, we can precipitate our emotions and mindset, understand our inner needs and pursuits.


At the same time, we can also examine our words and actions to see where we need to improve and improve.


Secondly, being alone allows us to look up and see a larger world, thereby breaking free from the constraints of small circles.


In a crowd, we often confine ourselves to our own small circle and only see the people and things around us.


But when alone, we can focus on the broader world, broaden our horizons and thinking.


By reading books, watching movies, participating in activities, and other means, we can establish connections with the external world and learn more about information and resources.


The saying ‘When people speak lightly, we should learn to come and go alone’ tells us that when facing various challenges and difficulties, we should first maintain inner stability and firmness, respect our own needs and pursuits, and adjust ourselves, expand our worldview and lifestyle through solitude.


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