


Becoming a person with a big picture requires starting from multiple aspects. Here are some suggestions:

1. 提高个人素质。

1. Improve personal qualities.


Personal qualities are the foundation for becoming a person with a big picture. Continuously learning and improving one’s knowledge reserves, reading habits, language expression skills, and interpersonal skills can enhance one’s overall quality.

2. 抛却个人利益。

2. Abandon personal interests.


Sometimes, overly pursuing personal interests can limit your perspective, so you need to let go of yourself and focus on the team’s goals and overall interests in order to better grasp the overall situation.

3. 开拓视野。

3. Expand your horizons.


Read more books, travel more, get to know people from different industries, gain more information and knowledge, and be willing to accept new ideas, perspectives, and cultures. Expanding your horizons in multiple ways can provide you with broader thinking space.

4. 从团队协作中学习。

4. Learn from teamwork.


Having a big picture is not the concept of fighting alone, but the idea of multiple collaborations. Learn to absorb the spirit of cooperation and thinking from the team, help each other solve problems, and enhance the cohesion and execution ability of the team.


Having a big picture is the foundation for becoming an excellent talent. It can broaden your thinking, broaden your horizons, and make your thinking more mature.


Only when you are able to effectively utilize the benefits of big picture thinking in both professional and personal life can you truly become a person with a big picture.


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