


Some people can have happiness and good luck, while others have a difficult fate because each person experiences different environments and events.


Many people believe that fate is predetermined and cannot be changed, but in fact, fate can be changed through one’s own efforts.


Here are several factors that affect happiness and good luck:

1. 教养环境:一个人的成长环境对他的性格和习惯具有很大影响。

1. upbringing environment: A person’s upbringing environment has a significant impact on their personality and habits.

2. 心态:一个人的心态决定了他对生活的态度和处理问题的能力。积极乐观的心态可以让人更容易拥有幸福和好运。

2. Mentality: A person’s mindset determines their attitude towards life and their ability to handle problems. A positive and optimistic attitude can make it easier for people to have happiness and good luck.

3. 勤劳程度:努力工作、学习和提高自己的能力,可以帮助一个人获得更多的机会和好运。

3. Diligence: Working hard, learning, and improving one’s abilities can help one gain more opportunities and good luck.

4. 自我管理能力:良好的自我管理能力包括自律、耐心和坚韧不拔,可以提高一个人的生活质量。

4. Self management ability: Good self-management ability includes self-discipline, patience, and perseverance, which can improve a person’s quality of life.


Having happiness and good luck requires continuous effort, changing bad habits and attitudes, improving one’s own abilities, and striving for it through one’s own efforts.


Although fate has a certain influence, the people who truly control it are those who are hardworking, positive, and optimistic.


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